Rena Kadoya

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Template:2019 Wrestler's Bio

Rena "The Dragon Maiden of Dojima" Kadoya


Rena Kadoya hails from Akhibara, Japan. Born and raised within the city, she had a normal upbringing from her mother and father, standing at 5'5" and 130lbs. Her school life was as normal as can be, making friends with Akira Akamine. After high school, she had taken up a job at one of the maid cafes in the city, pertaining with her love of cosplay.


Kadoya had been working at one of the local maid cafes within Akihibara, dealing with the usual foreigner and customers that made her job difficult. Resulting in her termination when acting out on a patron at the maid cafe. Pushed and harassed as she tarted to pick fights out in the streets with those that messed  with her. Having run-ins with the cops and landing herself in jail. One day, an offer was made to prevent giving the former maid prison time: get sent to WPWF as a wrestler, or go immediately to jail. It was then and there, that Kadoya's career as a wrestler would begin.

WPWF Beginnings

Beginning her new life as a wrestler, Rena had gone by the nickname "The Dragon Maid of Dojima" as she still had her maid outfit from her time as a maid. Kadoya's first match was against her childhood friend, Akira Akamine. Assuming this would be an easy fight, Rena gave it her all, which completely ended in a double knockout, much to the disappointment by General Manager Austin Knight. With each match, Kadoya had faced tougher opponents during her stint in the wrestling federation. All those times fighting out in the streets had proved to help with her demeanor in the ring.

Kadoya's Inclusion in Siren Rising Champion run

Rena was brought in along with Akira Akamine and Carmelita Marcel during her and Akira's first run as a small unnamed team during the Siren Rising championship during Chiyoko's run as champion. As the run progressed, Kadoya had a plan to eventually take down Chiyoko, posing to ally herself to the champion as a way to lower her guard until the final round of the championship and having the two of them attack Chiyoko and securing the win for Akamine as Siren Rising champion, but eventually came at the sudden betrayal by Marcel after the match.

Kadoya Clan yakuza background revealed!

Once Carmelita Marcel had obtained the belt for herself from Akira Akamine, Rena had been contacted by members within her family, stating that Kadoya had family connections to the Yakuza. Unbeknownst to her, Brazillian capoiera wrestler, Vanessa Da Silva, had witnessed the newly tattooed Kadoya one day. Revealing the secret during one match by Beth Rogers, Da Silva had painted herself as a target for the yakuza princess Kadoya. During WPWF Resistance, Da Silva and Kadoya engaging in a brutal match, which ended in both wrestlers dropping from the balcony of the arena and Rena taking the win.

Road to Siren Rising Champion

After Akamine's reign of Siren Rising champion ended by the hands of Carmelita Marcel, Kadoya had begun her push towards the Siren Rising championship belt. General Manager Austin Knight had declared another run of the belt when Carmelita had suddenly vacated her position of the title. With Kaodya in the run, as well as Lia Duffield, punk princess Loly Wahan Nihasa, and Horses Morrisey, it was going to be a tough run. As the run came closer to the final round, Lia Duffield had been taken out of commission by Horses Morrisey, as Loly Wahan Nihasa had dropped from the run, leaving the final round going to Rena Kadoya up against Horses Morrisey. Rena had put up a tough fight against the ever popular Horses Morrisey, til eventually winning her place as the new Siren Rising champion.

She had earned the belt during FPV on December 12th, 2020.

Siren Rising champion run

As Siren Rising champion, Rena's brutality and behavior in the ring had changed, causing her to interfere with matches with much more ferocity. Taking on former people in her life as former teacher and wrestler Katie Carter, Lia Duffield, as well as fiance Akira Akamine. The result of the three forming a stable named Riot Dollz. Along with Lia's declaration of taking the belt away from Kadoya, Akamine had also declared of taking the belt away from Kadoya, as to show her girlfriend the error of her ways.

For an entire year, Kadoya has held her reign of the Siren Rising title and had put up a tough front against new and older wrestlers, Kasumi Hayata as to name one. Pretty soon, the Luchadolly, Solidad, had won the #1 title contendership against former SR Champion, Carmelita Marcel. Soon after, the contract for the #1 contendership of the Siren Rising title had been signed between the contender and Miss Kadoya.

The Siren Rising Championship match between Solidad and Rena pushed each fighter to their limits, with Kadoya giving the luchadoll a beaten, as well as Solidad trading blows to the Siren Rising champion. Soon after, Solidad had pulled one last tactic against Kadoya, taking a brutal push to overpower the champion, eventually pulling the win on the title and ending the reign of terror of "Siren Queen"