DAW Crossfade Pre-AMP: Battle Breaks

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DAW Crossfade Pre-AMP: Battle Breaks was a single-mix "prologue finale" event of Decibel Anthro Wrestling, taking place in the DAW Battlements on April 27, 2K23. This event is was notable for the debut of the DAW Battle Breaks mix, an adaptation of the Iron Survivor Challenge matchtype which had debuted four months prior in WWE NXT Deadline.


The Battle Breaks Mix adhered to the following ruleset:

  • No eliminations.
  • The mix begins with two wrestlers in the ring. One additional wrestler enters every five minutes until all wrestlers are in.
  • After the last wrestler enters, a pre-determined time limit begins to count down.
  • Each time a wrestler scores a pinfall, submission, or is the victim of a disqualification, they gain a point.
  • A wrestler who is pinned, submits, or who is disqualified goes into a penalty box for 90 seconds. This meant someone could stand in the ring alone temporarily.
  • The winner of the match is the wrestler who scores the most falls at the end of the time limit.
  • For the last five minutes, the penalty box is deactivated, and wrestlers can immediately re-enter the Breaks, allowing for rapid point accretion. This period is called the Final Stretch.
  • In the event of a tie, a Sudden Death tiebreaker period would immediately commence, whereupon the last fall wins.


After a brief explanation of the rules by The Fairoe, the Battle Breaks mix began in earnest, with Sasha Winters facing off against Red Empress.

After five minutes, Pauline Driscoll entered the fray and with her assistance, Sasha managed to get the first point, sending Red Empress to her penalty box for 90 seconds. Tensions began to flare between Driscoll and Winters, with Pauline maintaining the first point should have been hers because "she kicked her first".

During this spat, Red Empress' timer ended, allowing her to return and knock Sasha out. By this point, five more minutes had elapsed and Folami made her way to assist her boss and tag team partner in decimating Driscoll. After this point, the final timer of 20 minutes began to count down.

Shaky alliances formed, eroded and reformed rapidly over the course of the Breaks. Once the Final Stretch began, the Battle rapidly became a free-for-all.

In the end, after a triple pin from the top turnbuckle cementing her lead, Folami took the win in the first ever Battle Breaks Mix, accruing 6 points, while Sasha Winters came in second with 3, and Pauline Driscoll and Red Empress tying for third with 2 points.


No. Results Stipulations
1 Folami (6) defeated Sasha Winters (3), Pauline Driscoll (2) and Red Empress (2) Battle Breaks Mix