Mike Alexander

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Template:2020ProWrestlerBoxMike Alexander (born January 15th, 1990), is a British professional wrestler, music DJ, tribute band CEO for TDDI Productions and is currently signed to Extreme Virtual Wrestling, which is owned by Maven Gothly. Mike is due to make his debut appearances for Battle Championship Wrestling (BCW).

Career History

OEW Wrestling:



Mike Alexander first made his debut in OEW in Tag Team Competition with another wrestler as "The Lords of Rock" against a Tag Team of a Powerhouse and a Submission Specialist. Mike Alexander and his Tag Team Partner in a winning effort defeated their Tag Team Opponents via Ardas leaping off the top rope and landing onto his opponent with a Swanton Bomb, which picked up the pinfall victory. Before even he had his debut in OEW, he was in a Training Regime with his Personal Trainer from Over the Edge Wrestling when he joined and was placed in the Developmental Stage before making his way to the squared circle. Then after the training regime was completed, he was ready to debut the following week in his Tag Team Match Competition. During the Late 2010/Early 2011, after winning in his Tag Team debut match, he went off the map and was listed as inactive. Around Early/Mid 2011 that same year, Mike was released from OEW for being an inactive superstar on the Roster.

XLW Wrestling:


Mike joined XLW after he was released from OEW under his original name Kagnar Beck "The High Flying Athlete" from the United Kingdom. During the time that he was in XLW, he underwent the training that was provided on a weekly basis whether it was once or twice a week. After Ardas had undergone the training regime as "Developmental Talent", he joined the XLW Roster as a Superstar in the Mens Division. He made his debut as the "High Flying Athlete" and defeated another High Flying Superstar with a 450 Splash in the squared circle to pick up the pinfall victory. After his debut, he was set in Singles competition against a variety of Superstars during the following weeks when he named as an official superstar of the XLW Roster. During that time he had met one of the XLW Superstars JW Beeswing who was also a superstar in Virtual Attitude Wrestling in Late 2011. After that, Mike Alexander went off the map just like before in OEW and was listed an inactive superstar of the XLW Roster. He was then released from Xtreme Live Wrestling in Very Late 2011 for being an inactive Superstar on the Roster.

Ring of Warriors:



On the 21st August 2013, Mike joined ROW to continue his professional wrestling under the name Leto "The Nightmare King" Ardas. He underwent some training but he didn't need to do all of it due to his previous federation debuts and being trained by the finest trainers in the SL Wrestling World.

On 23rd August 2013, he made his debut as a superstar on the ROW Roster and was placed in the matchcard that same night. His opponent was against Zack Miller in Singles competition and Zack's Brother Matt Miller in Zack's corner. At the end of the bout the match ended in a double countout causing both Mike and Zack MIller to tie in a draw.

Currently to this day and time, Mike has always been a "Hard Rocking Superstar", playing his guitar when he walks down the aisle. Then, on Friday the 30th August 2013, He competed in Tag Team Competition in the Tag Team Tournament with a new Tag Team Partner, Johnny "Chaos Theory" Daniels. Later on in that tournment, Mike and his tag partner Johnny went to the finals and eventually, won and became the ROW Tag Team Champions.

Kagnar then due to circumstances has resigned from RoW, giving up his half of the RoW Tag Team Championship and will not continue his career at the arena.

DCWF (Digital Championship Wrestling Federation):



Mike made his debut at "The Show" show on Sunday 1st Dec 2013, where he faced the most horrible and awful wrestler in the business, Jeffery Firehawk. Both entered the ring and fought with every breath in their body until Jeffery came out on top and took down The Cobra, taking the 3 count and the win. His career as DCWF was not a long one and therefore, he resigned from the federation and looked to take his career at another wrestling federation.

Battle Championship Wrestling [BCW]:

File:BCW 2020.png

2021 - present (Mike Alexander)

MIke approached another friend of his that he hadn't seen in a long time, Australian wrestler and CEO of BCW, Josh Poffo. He received a contract from him, in which again he signed his name and it was made official. He cannot wait to make his debut for Battle Championship Wrestling [BCW].

Tuesday 14th December 2021

Today was Mike's debut to BCW and he was ready for it. This was it. This was the time for him to shine and claim a victory on his debut.....but it didn't go down that way, or so he thought. Mike Alexander walked out to his entrance, doing his run around the ring and hopped in, ready to fight. His opponent however, was a totally different story. His first opponent was a member of this 'boy band' called "The Trench Brothers". His name, was Josh Poffo. The match started off with Josh taking it to Mike, throwing some punches, getting in a lockup, then a wristlock....but Mike was able to get out of it via a cartwheel and send Josh to the ground via a dropkick. Josh then went outside, running away like a coward while the referee was counting him out to "10". Just before it hit the double digit, Josh got back in and pushed Mike even more, knocking him down with a shoulderblock then being rude, using his foot as a pin....but it was no match for Mike as he put his shoulder up. Mike then took it to Josh, throwing punches left and right, then irishwhipped him to the ropes but got attacked by a knee then a heavy boot. As the match went on, Mike came back with more punches, face and body, then flew to the rope and dropkicked Josh down to the ground. As the match continued, Mike kicked Josh in the gut and climbed the rope, ready for the moonsault. He executed the move but Josh caught him and piledrivered his head to the ground......Josh then pinned Mike and became victorious.....after Josh and his goonies went to the back, Mike got up, shaking it off, thinking to himself......"What just happened? I had this. Not what I expected.".....and then walked off to the back, claiming his first defeat for BCW.

Extreme Virtual Wrestling [EVW}:

2021 - present (Mike Alexander)

Mike was returning to the four roped ring as a "Returning Veteran". He was announcing the news across the Second Life Wrestling Community and he was approached by old and long time friend Maven Gothly, who was the owner of EVW. Mike signed his name to the federation and cannot wait to start wrestling again. Maven took Mike to the training center to remove some old ring rust after a 7 year retirement and is now ready to start wrestling.



  • 2011: OEW Tag Team Championship
  • 2013: RoW Tag Team Championship

In Wrestling


  • Mike Alexander
  • Leto "The Nightmare King" Ardas (Used to be featured on ROW)

In Wrestling Move(s)

Finisher(s) & Signature(s)
  • The Head-Check (as Mike Alexander)
  • The Flying Bird (as Mike Alexander)

Managers, Trainers etc

  • MrBlack Cvercko (OEW)
  • Johnny "Chaos Theory" Daniels (ROW)

Entrance Music

  • "Pictureboard Demo" - Linkin Park (EVW, Premier Wrestling, BCW) Current #1

Match Index

OEW (Over The Edge Wrestling Career) 2009:

  • Match Debut in OEW 1-0 (Defeated a Powerhouse and Submission Specialist in Tag Team Competition)

XLW (Xtreme Live Wrestling Career) 2010:

  • Match Debut in XLW 1-0 (Defeated a Technicial Wrestler in Singles Competition)
  • Official XLW Match Bouts 3-0 (Defeated different Attributed based Superstars in Singles Competition)

ROW (Ring of Warriors Career) 2013:

  • RoW 4-1 (Defeated different Attributed based Superstars in Single & Tag Team Competitions)

DCWF (Digital Championship Wrestling Federation) 2013:

  • Mike Alexander vs Jeffery Firehawk: 0-1 (The Show debut)

BCW (Battle Championship Wrestling Federation) 2021:

  • Mike Alexander vs Josh Poffo (Member of The Trench Brothers): 0-1 (BCW Debut) (14/12/2021)