Loly Wahan Nihasa

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Template:CustomTemplate:Wrestlre BiographyLoly Wahan Nihasa is a French & American Pro-wrestler of Fusion Pro Wrestling (FPW).

Early Life

Born in Galveston (Texas) from a American Mum and an French Dad in 1986, she lived a time near New Orleans (Louisiana) but later move in France when she have 10 Years Old. In March 2019 she declares on Twitter to have lived part of her life in the street and to have discovered Punk culture and violence. Loly was discreet about her private life just saying have very few memories of her childhood. She also has Mexican and Native American origins.

Photographer and high-level sportswoman (skydiving, triathlon, Base Jump) she decides to become a wrestler in May 2018 despite her small size to launch to herself "a new challenge". In May 2019 she declares on twitter became a wrestler because her mother just told her "do it". Loly is very agile in the ring, entering while running a senton over the top rope.

After her return in 2021, she confides much more personally, apologizing for her past mistakes during a promotion, confiding on social networks on her sickly shyness which handicaps her and even on her past as a battered child which l led to leave the United States for France. On this last point she will confide that she has not felt fear or pain since this experience. She will say many times that she listens to a specific song before each match and always responds when asked if she is doing well before a performance: "I'm going to die".

She remains more discreet about her family life but confides wearing a blue bandana at each match as a mark of support for her daughter suffering from cystic fibrosis then finally to wear it as a mark of support to all sick people, she sometimes wears a black bandana in mourning.

Blue and Black Bandana

Wrestling Career

Initially trained by Sara T Knight, she decided to quickly move towards a High Flyer style, wanting to make her small size an advantage.

Loly nicknamed "Tiny" by her second coach Jeffery Fireguard, she declares be "named 'Tiny' by her true friends" and in 2019 she's also one of the more tiniest active Wrestler of VWE. She do her 1st match the 7th October 2018 Against Seba The Mad Hatter.

At Ground Zero 3 she perform her 1st Match in Wrestleserie week and declare during this period to be more tortured by stress than by her opponents

Appearance of Yurei

Monday 10 December 2018, she appears under a new face for a match against Samantha Foxy for the Jackson Doune's Memorial Show. She calls herself as Yureï "Queen of Nightmare" in a more Brawler style. In January 2019 she makes an other appareance with Yureï for the "Wounded Warrior Project Show" and her 1st Hell in a Cell Match against Samantha Foxy as the "Dark Siren". Loly won the match with a Tombestone Piledriver, her first Belt of her career. In January 2019, she claims that "Yurei is dead and never come again in a Wrestling Ring"

Appearence of the "Punk Army" & Ground Zero 4

In Febuary 2019. She came back under her Punk Gimmik and rename her fans "the Punk Army". Less stressed during her matches she recognizes to take pleasure in being always in the search of the perfection. She won her first single match of 2019 against Jadzia for Pulse Anniversary 3. The 23rd Febuary she loose her match against Viola Beaumont but will later declare having made the most beautiful match of her career. The next week she won against Josefin Anderson, 3rd March 2019 she wins her qualifying match for the Ground Zero 4' fatal 4-way that will determine the Pulse women title 1st contender and send a cryptic message to her coach "Done!".

She loses her match at Ground Zero 4, distracted by Quinn Hilton, Loly give her a 450 outside the ring and meanwhile June Gloom wins the match by pinfall in the ring. Seconds later as she returns behind the scenes, she's violently attacked by Yukitama.

Feud Against Yukitama

In VWE Pulse of 03/10/2019 Yukitama make an apparence and complained to Johnny LaMonico that Loly has taken her place for the future Fatal-4-Way of Ground Zero 4, the origin of this rancor dates back to December 2018 at Ground Zero 3 when Yukitama won her match against Loly by cheating. March 24th 2019 she's the first ever VWE wrestler to run in a match a 630° Senton against Mary Weiss, days before she say "leaving History and Walking to the Legend". She lose her match after been lightly wounded at her back when running 630° Senton. After the match Yukitama make an apparence and Loly run after her to backstage.

In VWE Pulse of 03/31/2019 Loly interrupts the match between Yukitama and Seba the Mad Hatter. Loly says she hasn't forgotten Ground Zero 3 & 4. Seba enjoys the distraction and wins the match. Loly run her finisher (630 ° senton) against Yukitama.

In VWE Pulse supershow of 04/28/2019 Loly Face of Yukitama, run her 630° Senton followed by a 619, Double Shooting Star Senton, and a Failed Spacewoman Moonsault for the first ever time in VWE but loose the match. She recognizes her defeat the next day on Social Media declaring "Yukitama was the best, for having resisted three "Never seen" movements, we can clearly say that: she was the best, nothing to complain about.".

In VWE Pulse of 5/12/19 Loly face of a newcomer Sorcha MacKay. She dominates whole match but finally loses on a cheating, her opponent doing her finisher the feet on the ropes and the referee sees nothing. During this match Loly run for the first time a Tiger Feint Kick (619 variation in the top rope).

A week later on Pulse she spoke about Sorcha as a "Clown like many other" Sorcha attack Loly and let her on the ring. A couple of hours later Loly sent on Social media a strange Clown Picture for Sorcha. The following monday she also add a short video of a new move named "Flip Flap 720° Moonsault". In the last Pulse show before Beachbrawl 2019, She's the last eliminated wrestler (by Sorcha McKay) in a Battle Royale to found June Gloom opponent for Clash on the Beach Main event for Pulse Women Title.

Clash At the Beach, Feud Against Sorcha

At Clash At the beach, In the match between Sorcha and June for the Pulse Women Championship Loly interfere with the promise to stop Sorcha from cheating once again. At two times both women face each other when Sorcha tries to prucure a weapon, which benefits June Gloom who picks up Pulse's women's title. After the match Sorcha warned her to pay attention to her back in the future what Loly just answer "if the best became champion, i'm the most dangerous don't touch me or I kill you". This episode reveals a side much darker of the "Punk Princess" closer to her Yureï character but also a rapprochement between June and Loly.

  As usual, Loly doesn't comment clash on the beach on social media. In June & July 2019 she spoke twice on social networks, the first where she says that to get Pulse Women title it will be necessary to go through her before, the second time she says without further explanation "capoeira: done you'll have fun with my feet ".

Feud Against Phire

In July 2019 She won a match against Phire Soulture but Loly is brutally attacked by her when she celebrates her victory, She says she wants to avenge Sorcha Mackay one week later Phire reoffends and offers the victory to Yukitama.

In august 2019, Loly play a mind game in a match between June Gloom and Louve Mac Mahon, loly's music starts & Louve interrupts her attack at the end of the match but Loly finally doesn't appear. She'll later admit to being at the restaurant at this time and have been amused by her joke

One week later, "the Black Widow" is in a match against Phire Soulture, Loly surprises everyone by appearing in a technical style, with only two jumps in the match, she finally wins by submission with her Black Widow Hold. But at the end of the match Phire attacks once again, June Gloom intervenes to defend her. A week later she is attacked by Louve MacMahon during a match with a baseball bat, she manages to disarm with her black Widow Hold but the referee disqualifies her by seeing the weapon in her hand.

In Pulse of 9-8 Loly is planned for a tag team match with June Gloom against Samantha Foxy & Phire. But Phire & Loly didn't appeared. One day later Loly say on social Media she didn't appeared because she was attacked backstage but she didn't say if Phire attack her or not.

One week later She Lose her match against Samantha Foxy who attack her after her win. Loly appear very shocked. The following monday she quotes on Twitter "The Punk Princess will be on Ground Zero 5" probably in reference of one of her outfit named "Punk Princess".

Ladies Night & 2020

After the summer of 2019 Loly appears less and less in the ring and struggles to hide her disappointment as much in public as in private. In September 2019 she admits to a fan on social networks to reflect on her future in wrestling. She finally appears during Ladies night 2019 against Brooke Owen. She lost the match but made a strong impression with the public.

She finally announces her retirement on her private social media account to some friends and declares "to prove myself, I should still be able to learn but I don't have that possibility". In November 2019 she no longer hides a very deep creative issue with her company.

Woman Pro Wrestling Federation (WPWF)

December 7th 2019 Loly appears in WPWF ring and announces that she will now wrestle in WPWF, it's the first time in her career that she has appeared in another company (Loly has always imposed herself to never wrestle in two companies). Six months later she would say in a promo, that she came to the WPWF at the personnal request of champion Brooke Owens after the Ladies Night match, having hard time believing in herself but having found a family and motivation

After this announcement Kharma challenges her in a match. Loly wins with a Loly-go-round.

In January 2020 she confirms staying at the WPWF and not appearing outside this federation during the year.

In Febuary 2020 she face off Lady Death for the first time of her career. She made a great match but finally lose When Lady Death counter the 630° Senton with a tombestone Piledriver. For this match, Loly wrestle for the first time in one year and half unmasked.

Team TKO

In march 2020 she teamed up with Vanessa Da Silva in team TKO (Total kock Out) and feuding against Team Hissatsu (Rie Kurihara, Chiyoko) after an attack against Vanessa Da Silva, during an Osaka Typhoon match in May 2020, Team TKO lost against Team Hissatsu.

Rise of the Punk Princess And Feud against Rie Kurihara

In the summer of 2020 during the Benja Nirvana Classic to determine the next 1st contender for the title Loly wins to everyone's surprise against Chiyoko with a 630 ° senton, a movement she had rarely used for 1 year and that she remains the only one person to master in SL wrestling.

During the 2nd round of the "Benja Nirvana Classic" she loses against Lady Death, she'll later admit had too much confidence on herself and have lost because of that.

One week Later, she's brutally attacked by Team Hissatsu before her promo. On August 15, she intervenes during the Lady Death / Rie Kurihara match, preventing Chiyoko from helping her partner, thus giving the victory to Lady Death for the continuation of the Benja Nirvana Classic. She'll defend herself on social media about helping Lady Death, just to act in her own interests.

About "the Punk Princess" character

About the Punk Princess she'll confide a second time not being at the origin of this nickname but to love it very much, she explained having chosen "quite simply" AC / DC as entry music because for "'the Punk Princess' the most extravagant things are the simplest ".

Loly always used to be a lot "off script" in her matches and promos, giving the nickname "Teletubbies" or "Po and Tinky Winky" to Chiyoko and Rie Kurihara when she saw their green and red outfits or “I'm going to kill Lady Death” or "I'll bring back her in her coffin" and set off giggles in the crowd.

She has sense of provocation evoking the staff of the WPWF who "must undoubtedly have forgotten that she existed apart from her nude photos", posing later naked under her appearance of Punk Princess and tagging on social networks the General Manager of the WPWF Austin Knight or taking part in various social movements like Black Live Matter or confinement against Covid 19 during her matches.

She has a habit of always introducing her family members when they're in the audience, improvising various jokes with them even during matches. She'll say about a friend who shouted loudly in the audience "she always does that when she's happy"

In 2021 about Punk Princess, she declares to have returned to "her basic idea, to have released the octopus on her head in the sea and just get in the ring for fun". To everyone's surprise, the former "SL wrestling rebel" will declare "to apologize for the pain she has caused to her fans and colleagues".

Retirement and come back on Fusion Pro Wrestling

In december 2020 She ends her career and give no explanation, She will declare that during her retirement she did not watch wrestling, did not train and declined several matches for charity shows, responding that "Punk Princess is dead". At the start of 2021, she encouraged Fusion Pro Wrestling at its launch but specified that she would not return to a ring.

First tweet announcing her return

In August 2021 she announces by surprise on social media that she has resumed training, After several month of teasing, she's finally back in Fusion Pro Wrestling on September 23, 2021, thin, short hair for "A night At the Movies" and won against Joanne Steel on october 21, 2021 for her first match with a Spanish fly followed by her 630° senton. About her return she will say "it was long and difficult to convince me, only one person could do it".

About her withdrawal she will explain during a speech that a lack of motivation and self-confidence led her to withdraw in late 2020. At the end of the year 2021 she confided never to express herself or to appear outside the ring out of shyness "It's the story of a girl who has already done a lot to get into a ring and who prefers the shade in the light "

Riot Committee

In 18 November 2021, Loly teamed With Hazard against Kandy Perez and Moma T, Hazard & Loly goes over with an uncommon "Doomsday Device" and make a big impression on the crowd. Some days later both women appears together again during a promo for Loly. She declares "I have always been a lonely wolf and I must tell you that teaming up has always been the least of my concerns. I must confess, that I am proud of my partner and the match we gave you."


A few minutes later loly announced on social media that their team would now be known as the "Riot Committee". On December 6, 2021 during a Bra and Panties match she's attacked by Kandy Perez and left almost naked in the ring, a few days later she will brag about having had the best audiences in replay of the show but that she would not do it everyday, The same day she will have fun provoking Kandy Perez (who's in the audience) finally triggering a giggle at the commentator's table.

A few days later, Loly and Hazard are attacked at the end of a match by Kandy and Stacy. Loly then announces "That she is awake" and announces the arrival of Black Widow.

A few days later, she wins in a table match against Kandy. She appears provocative, humiliating for her opponent and provokes questions.

She ends up explaining that Black Widow is not a new character and is very realistic stating that her friends have recognized the person she can "become if you piss her off". She confesses that Hazard does not like her and is wary of her then she herself does not like to see her. Black Widow seems to enjoy giving and receiving suffering, She deceives her opponents by pretending to give up and finally attack them. She provokes them by being very vulgar in her words, can display uncommon strength by performing a "wall of Death" (schoolboy powerbomb) and lifting an opponent stronger than herself.

Black Widow has the particularity of only speaking French (Loly's second language) when she speaks outside the ring.

Best lines


Despite her great shyness, Loly is known to have a great sense of humor, especially during matches. Some of her lines are remembered:

- When during a promo for WPWF Rena Kadoya wears a long white dress "You would be kind to return the curtains that you stole from me at home"

- After saving June Gloom at the VWE "I'm like a mother to you but don't get used to it"

- When an opponent says she doesn't know why she would give her another match", Loly responds "fear or lack of talent"

- After losing a match after jumping out of the ring over the top rope: "This bullshit are no longer my age, every time I say that I stop and it's stronger than me: I see a rope I have to jump over it"

- During Natalie Sonnen entrance (former European Champion in Fusion Pro Wrestling) "Who is it? I don't know her, I don't know who she is, but I never watch wrestling when I'm not in ring"

- About Stacy Driller "Is it really wrestling? I would have said a catalog for a cosmetic surgeon"

- About Kandy Perez "Every time she does a Moonsault I'm afraid the building will collapse on us"

- To a VWE commentator as she sat right in front of him on his desk "And don't take advantage, you behind"

- "125 pounds of meat, 100 pounds of silicone if she fall she'll bounce in the audience

When asked if her habit of sitting in the ring comes from CM Punk she replies "No it's just that I'm a big lazy person"

From her debuts, she got into the habit of regularly sitting on the commentators' desks, for promo, making jokes and giving them nicknames. In 2021 she gets into the habit of sitting down with them and making false comments to distract them and make them laugh. She teases cameramen, sticks her tongue out at cameras and sometimes makes jokes to the crowd. She admits having been very few ringside in her career and having a lot of fun there. In December 2021 she says she has fun putting funny texts on her autographs to fans "this is a restraining order", "Don't do like me find a real job " or " I got you it wasn't me"

Despite this happy side, she recognizes herself as a perfectionist who is never satisfied with her performances in the ring, be a perpetual anxious and that her "Black Widow" side is really a dark side that she's fighting.

Wrestling Characteristics

During a public training (something she rarely does) she explains that technically she's inspired by Rey Mysterio, (even if her style has evolved) that her habit of sitting in the ring at the start of a match or during promos is a tribute to CM Punk, and that her sense of improvisation looks like the Rock but not being inspired by him, improvisation is natural with her.

Loly is High Flyer crossed with an extreme style. She's the first in VWE Roster to master some uncommon movements as the 630° Senton, Running Shooting Star Press, Spaceman Moonsault Plancha, Over The Top Senton Suicide Dive, Corkscrew 630° Senton, Shooting Star Senton taking advantage of her small size but in March 2019 only the 630° senton was run in an official match. In may 2019 she's the 1st ever to run a Tiger Feint Kick (619 on the top rope) in a match. In june 2019 she's the only one to run 619 and 630° Senton.

During a houseshow during Clash at the beach, she included for the first time in her moveset some Capoeira, as dodge legsweep to counter her opponent and introduce the 630 ° Senton. She's once again the first person to experience this in pro wrestling.

In 2021 her style is evolving towards a return to a fast, airy and technical style. After her first match she declares "to do what she really wants to do" then to be realistic about her physical capacities "I don't do submissions to make them give up [I have no chance] I do that to hurt ". She also takes a more spectacular style with a "Sasuke Special" or even a "Cartwheel Top Con Hilo" at the end of which she jumps over the ropes on Joanne Steel.

From 2021 she confides a lot more about her experience, declaring that she does not have a trainer, rarely watches wrestling and takes little advice to focus on her performances. Asked about her style her answer is "mine"


*** 630° Senton & Corkscrew 630° Senton (VWE, WPWF, Fusion Pro Wrestling)

*** Phoenix Splash (With Fusion Pro Wrestling)

*** Imploded 450° (With Fusion Pro Wrestling)

*** Rebound Sunset flip (with WPWF)

*** Black Widow (Tarentulla on no DQ match only) / Black Widow Hold (as "Black Widow")

*** Wall of Death (Schoolboy powerbomb) (with Fusion as "Black Widow")

*** Powerbomb Surset Flip (Code red With WPWF)


*** La Magistrale Craddle (VWE, WPWF, Fusion Pro Wrestling)

*** Cartwheel Top Con Hilo (With Fusion Pro Wrestling)

*** Spanish Fly (With Fusion Pro Wrestling as "Black Widow")

*** Loly-go-Round (Standing / running / diving / Top Rope Hurricanrana With VWE & WPWF)

*** Spacewoman Moonsault (Spaceman Moonsault With VWE & WPWF)

*** Powerbomb Surset Flip (Code red with WPWF)

Personnal Life:

Loly is discreet about her private life and confides relatively little publicly about it. She talked for a long time about her daughter without ever appearing with her before January 2020. On this occasion she will claim to herself suffering from depression for three years, she also give news of her daughter who has cystic fibrosis. Loly was born in the United States and left the country at the age of 10 for family reasons, she then grew up in France before traveling a lot as an adult.

Loly is left-handed and has a twin sister, she admits being too frank, shy and too stressed. She collects masks (she has about 50) and motorcycles (but doesn't ride them!). Loly is vegan since 10 years.

In december 2021 she says her family came for the first time after 4 years of her career to see her live in a match (Loly as "Black Widow" Vs Kandy Perez). A few days later she appears next to her daughter Manuella and specifies that she watches all Fusion Pro Wrestling replays.