Bryce Ketterley

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{{#invoke:Infobox|infobox}} Bryce Ketterley is a professional wrestler who wrestles for NMW (New Millennium Wrestling).

File:Bryce Ketterley entrance video


Bryce began his career at the ripe age of 18 with an inflated ego beyond belief. Hence why he is self proclaimed "Perfection." Within the first few months of his career Bryce took the VWE by storm winning his 1st 28 matches in a row. Only inflating his ego more was the fact that he won his first ever championship in VWE a few months into his run. He was taken under the wing by Loody Graves and Jessica Hyokova to form Awesome Inc. Later he broke away from Awesome Inc. to join a stable known as Ascension. There he won his first ever Tag Team Gold with Surik Oanomochi. 

After he left Ascension, Bryce's singles career took off after winning the VWE United States Title followed by winning the King of the Arena Tournament in 2012 where he eventually cashed in his opportunity at Wrestleseries 4. He would go on in that main event to win his first VWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Bryce would then move on to compete in DCWF where he would eventually win the DCWF Cruiser-weight Championship. He also competed in HIW and APW for a short period of time.

Today, Bryce works with New Millennium Wrestling (NMW). Now 23, Bryce can be seen as a veteran of SL wrestling and proves every night why, at least in his mind, he is "Perfect". From his fast-pace offense to his maniacal in ring actions, Bryce wins...his way. Though he is considered below average in both the weight and height categories, Bryce always seems to get the job done...his way. Like him or hate him, Bryce continues to prove why he is "Perfect."

Character Concept

Write out your character concept here. Do they have a stereotype? A previous profession? A certain fashion sense? Anything relevant. 

Wrestling Style

What is your wrestling style? Are you a high-flyer who uses a lot of off the top rope moves? Are you more prone to using your fists? Legs? Submissionist expert? What are your strengths? 


  • DCWF Cruiserweight Champion
  • VWE World Heavyweight Champion
  • 2012 VWE King of the Arena Finals]]*
  • 2012 VWE King of the Arena
  • VWE United States Champion
  • VWE Tag Team Champion (with Surik Oanomochi in "Ascension")
  • VWE Exhibition Champion (Longest Reign in VWE History)
  • Began his Career with a 28-0 record
  • 5 Time Golden Rope Award Winner
File:Wrestleseries IV
Wrestle Series 4
File:KOTA Finals Bryce vs Adune
Bryce Ketterley vs Adune Snowpaw