Wulla Zabelin

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Revision as of 11:36, 3 March 2022 by />Wulla Zabelin

Wulla Zabelin, an SL resident born on (27 feb 2007). Wulla is former owner of CLUB IDK, but she currently runs a full sim called Pink Moon Estates. Wulla has been working as DJ at IYC, Zorro's Tavern and Sanctuary of Rock.

Wulla is a professional female wrestler at Premier Wrestling and she been working here since beginning of 2021. Wulla also works at Premier Wrestlings management team, former Talent Acquisition Manager, and now currently in position as Chief Financial Officer. During her time at Premier Wrestling Wulla has been obtaining the manager, director/booker, commentator, referee, coach and production specialist certificates, as soon to be a wrestling specialist. Wulla also works on the prodcution - and also teaches others to get hands on for production specialist certificate.

When not wrestling Wulla is a photographer and likes to take pictures in SL, go listen to Djs or live music when her schedule allows it.